"The Waking Sleep"

Yoga Nidra is also known as the waking sleep. Swami Satyananda defined it as “A systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.”

YogaNidra is a Game Changer

Get everyone in your class in a state of Relaxation & Recovery in 10 minutes

your class in a state of Relaxation & Recovery

The Game Changer
Integrate YogaNidra in every class

"My client request the YogaNidra at the end of each class.. it has chnaged the whole dynamic and purpose of the class"


Pilates Instructor

Since practicing Jill’s YogaNidra in class and listening to her recorded YogaNidra on her website I have been able to sleep better and find I am less stressed.” 

Margaret S. 


“I am a regular at Jill’s classes and absolutely look forward to the YogaNidra at the end. It makes the workout complete and helps reduce my daily stress.”

Noeline MC


“I love manifesting the positive intentions in Jill’s YogaNidra and yes this does make things happen in a more positive way.” 


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YogaNidra CourseThe Waking Sleep$49.99
  • Total payment
  • 1xYoga Nidra Course$49.99

All prices in AUD
